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  • clairerevell

Claire's 1km Challenge

Updated: Jan 11, 2021

This is a simple challenge to motivate and keep you moving during this 3rd lockdown. All you have to do is complete 1km everyday. It can be a run,row or cycle. It can be part of a workout, it can be used to get you into running (run/walk). Use it anyway you like just complete it everyday.

I'll be posting some videos of my efforts why not post some videos of what you achieve?

Come on, join me

Day 2 of the 1km challenge.

So not sure why I thought this was a good idea but done it now :) I did 1km run on the assault runner (yuck), 1km on the assault bike (yuck), 1km on the rower (not too bad) and 1km on the ski (super yuck). The video is the aftermath!!!!!!!!

Day 3 of the 1km challenge

Decided to do a run outside today, I'm not great at running so I did some intervals. 200m run (faster pace than usual/sprint) then 30 secs walk to recover. I ended up doing over 2 km. Just makes it more bearable for me.

Day 4

Todays 1km was done as part of a wod. 2.5km done over a couple of machines, the assault bike (yuck), the bike erg and the ski (getting used to it).

Just trying to keep moving and motivated.

Day 5

Woke up ready for a run, all set to go until I had a phone call with bad news. Took the wind out of my sails a bit so ended up doing a long 2 hour walk with the dog instead. There's some beautiful countryside a short walk from the town.

Day 6

The workout today involved 10 cals on several different bits of kit, the assault bike (still hate), the bike erg, the ski and the row.

A dead simple 12 min AMRAP but it meant that my 1km was more than covered in the WOD.

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1 Comment

Unknown member
Jan 06, 2021

Nice shoes! They’d drive me nuts!

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